
US CMS visits PA for a Lean Government tour

Thursday, April 11, 2019

On March 27th, 2019 the Pennsylvania Governor's Office of Performance through Excellence (OPE) and Operational Performance Solutions (OPS) welcomed several members of the United States Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to Harrisburg, PA to do some Lean Government benchmarking and knowledge sharing. It was a great day to highlight everything that Pennsylvania (PA) has been doing on its Lean journey, share Lean success stories and discuss Lean implementation challenges and ways to overcome them with our CMS partners.

The day started with Lean discussions in two PA agencies, the Department of Human Services and Department of Health, and everything that they have going on to instill Lean into their agencies and culture. This was followed by gemba walks in the Department of Health and Department of State to see how visual management tools and techniques are being applied on the front-lines.  Next was some open discussion and a debrief of what was seen on the walks. The day wrapped up with A3 problem solving report outs by the Department of Health, Department of Transportation, PA Liquor Control Board and the Department of Labor & Industry. This highlighted how the A3 problem solving methodology was being used throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to make significant improvements in services provided to its customers. Finally, the success of the tour could be seen in the extra discussions that continued for over an hour from the conclusion of the day.

This Lean Government knowledge sharing between CMS and PA demonstrates the powerful impact that Lean Government can have on government processes, government employees and government's customers. Going on the Lean Government journey is the right thing to do, and both PA and CMS are leading the charge to add more value to their customers by removing waste, empowering their people and instilling a culture of continuous improvement.    

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